"to be daunghted by no difficulty;to hve heart when all have lost it;to go through intrigue spotless; to forgo even ambition when the end is gained - who can say this is not greatness?" |
"Although the tree grows strong and fruitfull dose it not lose all of its fruit when winter comes? dose it matter when your winter comes will you save any fruit?" |
"love is like the atomic bomb. You tap on the sencitive shell and every thing goes boom" |
" It is in the belly of darkness that one will find the heart that is most full of light, for is it not in the protection of the darkness that we pray to our God almighty?" |
" She made me feel broken, yes that is true, but there's a whole ocean of fish out there and i am but a scuba diver i mearly have to go down and grab one" |
"We often find that when we feel at peace about a past painful event it is not so much that we forgot bout it as it is that our hearts are so blistered by the fire that is pain that we are too scared to ignite that fire again" |
"its not the crule words and huge arguments you find in a photoalbums, its the happy times and the fun shared between two people" |
"Love is human made yet is like energy no human no matter how strong can destroy it...........ever" |
“Is it not queer how god's most colorful creation, the rainbow, is stretched over the bluest thing he made, the sky?†|
“Love + caring=>hate + cheating + lies†|