99% of Intersex people Do Not have a condition! humans in nature, naturally are this way, hence a third sex in time will be acceptable... |
The world has eyes
but people don't see...
Children and animals
deserve respect more then...
Being vegan is not just
about animal rights...
In a warm bright midsummer night
I can see the midnight sun not so far in the...
You see everything
and I can see the world...
Am I unwise to open your eyes
to feel you within...
Have you ever seen reality's veil slip from its...
Theres only scaffolding for reality's sake...
I got just outside my mind
realized the coldness of balance...
Life is not some complected obstacle course to be planed out life is to be simply lived |
Human beings need not be ashamed of the fact that we are imperfect and that life's a dance we learn without rehearsal... |
Heavens not a place but rather a sanctuary within us where guilt & shame are laughed away like rain on a holiday... |