Do you know how it feels when you dread the next day?? |
Leave you here to rot and burn.. you've caused all this pain, and now its your turn.. |
X. .i loved you but its not enough to justify the way i feel.. Not enough to explain what grew inside.. to make this hate so real. .x |
-x- running away doesnt erase the painful M e M o R i e S -x- |
As the blood drips to the floor |
-x- clean up the blood, wipe it away, post pone reality for another day -x- |
. . HoW CaN u F i X Me.. WeN u DnT KnoW WaT MaDe Me B R e A k. . |
. . HoW CaN i MaKe u SmiLe. .WeN i CaNt EvEn MaKe MySeLf. . |
U SaY tHeReS SoMeThiN WroNg WiF tHe CheMiCaLs In My BrAiN... |
I HaV a MaSk..i WeAr iT ThrOuGh The DaY..iNsiDe The PaiN iS eAtiNg Me AwAy.. |