Quotes by .x.HauNt.x.Me.x.

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  • Do you know how it feels when you dread the next day??
    When you sit there and hope it will all go away!!!

    19 years ago
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  • Leave you here to rot and burn.. you've caused all this pain, and now its your turn..
    your turn to face up to what you have done.. to suffer your punishment.. but remorse: you have none

    18 years ago
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  • X. .i loved you but its not enough to justify the way i feel.. Not enough to explain what grew inside.. to make this hate so real. .x

    18 years ago
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  • -x- running away doesnt erase the painful M e M o R i e S -x-

    18 years ago
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  • As the blood drips to the floor
    i feel satistaction
    more releif than from the cut itself
    unaware as to why
    is it because im one step closer to being taken seriously?
    or one step closer to the end...

    18 years ago
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  • -x- clean up the blood, wipe it away, post pone reality for another day -x-

    18 years ago
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  • . . HoW CaN u F i X Me.. WeN u DnT KnoW WaT MaDe Me B R e A k. .

    18 years ago
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  • . . HoW CaN i MaKe u SmiLe. .WeN i CaNt EvEn MaKe MySeLf. .

    18 years ago
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  • U SaY tHeReS SoMeThiN WroNg WiF tHe CheMiCaLs In My BrAiN...
    u tHiNk Ur LiL PiLLs WiLL Take AwAy My PaiN?!?

    19 years ago
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  • I HaV a MaSk..i WeAr iT ThrOuGh The DaY..iNsiDe The PaiN iS eAtiNg Me AwAy..

    19 years ago
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