Quotes by Sheila

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  • \"3v3rythiin happ3nz for a r3asOn ....
    Sumtiim3z thiings fall apart juzz sO
    Oth3r thiingz can fall tOg3th3r .... but
    iin da 3nd .... watz m3ant tO b3 .... wiill
    x3 alwaiiz fiind iitz waii x3\"
    - mi friend Nikki wrote dis and i luved it

    19 years ago
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  • " Your first true love means a lot. It teaches you so much. You learn that it can be beautiful but painful at times, to be strong, and how to get through other relationships."

    19 years ago
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  • " Guys come and go but the ones you love will never leave because they will forever stay in your heart"

    19 years ago
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  • "Your first love is always special in some way. No matter if it wasn't good you can always find something good about it"

    19 years ago
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