Poems by Ladida

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  • A sigh to remember
    Words to cherish...

  • Always (8)

    When I lay my head down at night I cry
    I think of you and I wonder why...

  • A feeling true
    Not brand new...

  • I hate hearing you say those words now, "I...
    It doesn't feel the same way now that it used to...

  • This isn't right, it's not ok
    I can't like you, not this way...

  • "How are you?" you ask like you give a...
    You're messing with my ex, you don't care how I...

  • Your face, your eyes, your lips
    I can see them all when I shut my eyes...

  • I don't love you in any way at all
    Sure I liked you a lot and I started to fall...

  • *I wrote this poem when my boyfriend (now my ex...
    I found myself today worrying what you'd think...

  • Was I walking around with my eyes shut?
    Could I not see right from wrong and which way was...

  • I wanna go home to 1994
    To a peach colored trailor, #144...

  • I look at all this now and know I wasn't in love
    It wasn't some strange powerful being from above...