Poems by lacy byrum

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  • When I first started talking to you
    Honestly, I had absolutely no clue...

  • Why does he play these games
    He toys with my heart and puts me to shame...

  • Pretending has gotten so easy for me by now
    I know when to and I know how...

  • All I do is think about you
    And all we've been through...

  • I use to think my life was perfect and great
    And now I'm willing to put my life at stake...

  • A vision of loveliness
    Such an appealing glow...

  • I gave to you apart of me
    To with no one else I've shared...

  • I'll never truly understand
    The feeling of my loving man...

  • There's no true definition
    No book or song to sing...

  • Right now I know that you feel lost and down
    But I'm here to turn your frown up side down...

  • I'm sorry for the way I acted
    That's not the way a friend should be...

  • The pain I feel is unbearable
    The things we've said are unforgivable...