The hardest factors in begining a new relationship after ending a good one are the comparisons you make... |
I have just been touched deeply by the intentions of a friend. A friend of which i never knew I had until I realised i could be truly touched by their intentions... |
I've just realised I've been a drunk for almost half of my life. I really need to give up those 12 hour sleeps! |
Sometimes is seems as if the whole worlds is on top of me. Then I think"of course it is, Im in Australia!". |
I guess life is like the universe. There are many beautiful things which make it up but there is so much space in between that you can only appreciate a little at a time. |
Sometimes it's better to work with the things you have rather than just change them every time it's not ideal for your current situation or you will never stop moving on and nothing will ever be improved. It will only be different. |
Losing a perfect love is the most painful experience imaginable.. |
True love should not be questioned. |
If you ever doubt me then I have failed.. I will never fail.... |
You will never have to ask if I love you... |