Quotes by brkendown

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  • You said ull be there when i fall
    you said ud be ther to wipe the tears
    you said ud be ther for everything
    and yet u cant see past....
    this smile and laugh

    a laugh and smile can hide a million tears

    18 years ago
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  • I cant lie for sh.it
    but my smile can!!!

    18 years ago
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  • Y is it that when i start to feel the love the happieness and start to look up
    u come in and make me tumble back down?
    i thought i hated u but maybe its u who hated me?

    18 years ago
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  • I built my house of sticks... it fell down
    i built my house with hay .. it fell down
    i built my house with bricks..built the fire.. but the fire went out and i fell down
    there u r not here to hurt but to help i need to stop running!

    18 years ago
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  • I look in ur eyes and i see u
    i look in my eyes and i see the REAL me
    u look in my eyes and u see.. who u want me to be!

    18 years ago
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  • Welcome to my world
    how may i NOT help u??

    18 years ago
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  • When u died i burned a candel and said a prayer telling u that the candel will glow as long as long as i see ur face in my dreams
    but now that its burnt out it doesnt mean i forgot about u, it just means i have to get a new candel!

    18 years ago
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  • My heart was once all urs tell the day u died...
    my heart is not hole anymore...

    18 years ago
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  • I once was truely happy
    i once was the girl everyone wanted to be i was who everyone wanted me to be
    but now that i fould myself and wanna be me they all think im bad im fake
    well u no what i am but its not the change that made me this way...
    its u!!

    18 years ago
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  • I no yall hate this but plz check out my new poem! r/c on it thanks lots !

    18 years ago
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