Quotes by Kitty

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  • What reason is there to live When your family hate each other, your friends lie to you, and guys only want you for one thing

    19 years ago
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  • I gave you all my love and with that came my heart,
    so why did you break it and tear me apart?

    19 years ago
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  • HATE
    the result of having too high expectations of those we love

    think about it

    19 years ago
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  • I am angry and confused, and I dont know why.
    I am upset and I just want to cry.
    I just want to scream,
    Wake up out of this dream.
    So I cut and I scream and I bleed,
    But still no chance of being freed.

    19 years ago
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  • Rainbows & butterflies,
    pretti things that wont tell lies,
    life is great, just close your eyes,
    magic exsists dont you realise?

    19 years ago
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  • When was the last time you did something for the first time???

    19 years ago
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  • Jealousy, more powerful than love, so why is jealousy a sin?
    Why is it so wrong? Why can’t it be forgiven?
    Coz jealousy is what I feel hidden behind my smile
    So please forgive me father, & pitch a tent for this may take while.

    19 years ago
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  • U have lied to me in the past,
    Each time you swear it your last,
    But I dont believe it, I just cant trust u
    Everything you say,I have to decide if it is tru
    But now Ive given up, Ive stopped listening,
    Youll get what you deserve,Im wishing

    19 years ago
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  • I blame u even tho its not ur fault,
    u added the lemon juice to my wounds n then the salt,
    Ok, perhaps Im ova exaggerating,
    But inside my hearts still debating,
    What it is I should do?
    With such strong feelings towards you?

    19 years ago
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  • Like many others... i fell in love
    like many others... i was loved
    like many others...i was hurt
    like many others.. i swore neva to love agen
    like many others...iv fallen in love agen...

    19 years ago
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