Keepin it real, My boys biggin up them selfs, Aye...
Big up your self, sup dog, u da bomb bro, Hanging...
My main girl K-TEEEE, is da nager tinkin she gotta...
They got into bed tagether, Hand no idea wht could...
Big bags of big bold bald bats batted balls over...
POUND!-POUND!, As the thumping noise coming from...
Sheets got Torin and the floor creaked for hours...
As i rub the rose spikes along my hairy long...
1) Don\'t mention Mobil low prices...
2) I got this man...
Confusion, What thi be if i am confused, If i were...
ps: my lawn mower needs petrol, Please remind me...
You know i'v always wanted to be a...
I knew one day i could see the trees in my garden...
One thing could only mean i must go to BP and get...
J- Jamie
W- Walks...
A day without you is a day without my heart...
The one named Katie is the the one my heart...
Potaoes are a gift from the earth to the fridge...
If left you will come to find a green potatoe much...