Poems by Micro Kouklitsa

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  • Everyday I pray that God will send someone to me.
    Someone to hold my fragile heart and unlock it...

  • How can I go through life alone..
    Does no one really care...

  • You have come to turn my soul..
    Upside down and inside out...

  • Haunting the earth she quietly walks..
    On not one occasion youll find that she talks...

  • Fear (2)

    Even though we fear..
    Fear is not afraid of us...

  • Run and hide shake with dread..
    You'll remain within my head...

  • I look back at the times we had, and wonder why it...
    Why did I love you, tell me please I seem to have...

  • People don't understand the lonely path i've...
    Of all the people I know and see, to them I rarely...

  • Everything I do does it really matter?
    or tomorrow it will be merely a shadow of a...

  • As the moon steals the sunlight away from the day...
    And the children grow gloom as they now cannot...

  • God came into my dream last night, and took me by...
    He took me high into the sky, into a different...

  • Running through darkness my heart it beats fast.
    No end to the tunnel I fall and I gasp...