Quotes by NiCoLe ErIn

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  • People dont think about the pain I feel everyday, they dont know about the bad choices that wont go away.

    *NiCoLe ErIn

    16 years ago
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  • Im not the only one for you but youre the only one for me

    *NiCoLe ErIn

    16 years ago
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  • I know you well enough to know youll never love me

    *NiCoLe ErIn

    16 years ago
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  • What i'll never show is what you'll never find if we meet please advert your eyes

    walk right through me, i'm not really there

    *NiCoLe ErIn

    16 years ago
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  • *mAkE mE sTrOnG lIkE yOu

    ~*NiCoLe ErIn

    16 years ago
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  • *if you could go anywhere right now where would you go and would you miss me when you get there?*

    ~*NiCoLe ErIn

    16 years ago
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  • ~*i wished you would've listened to me, dear friend....the words he says are only pretend.......i was with him........i know what he does....meybe if you would've listened to me...you wouldn't be reading this from above....*~

    ~*NiCoLe ErIn

    16 years ago
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  • Falling, Shooting, or Shining star,
    A wish is a wish
    Wherever you are.....

    14 years ago
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  • You don’t know how lost *ShE* feels in her heart and how *HeR* world is falling apart and all *ShE* did was cry cuz *ShE* kept it all inside

    ~*NiCoLe ErIn

    17 years ago
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  • I can’t change who I am but for you I’ll do what I can

    ~*NiCoLe ErIn

    17 years ago
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