Quotes by NiCoLe ErIn

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  • I'm sick of crying myself to sleep 4 you
    i'm sick of all the cute little things you do
    i'm sick of seeing you so happy with her
    i'm sick of pretending i like your best friend
    when all i can think of is jumping on you

    18 years ago
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  • Loving you hurts so bad cuz your never there
    it'll never happen
    you'll never care and no matter how hard i try
    it never works

    i told myself how bad you were to me but then i see you and i don't really care

    18 years ago
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  • Im glad your a senior
    you'll be graduating this year
    but then again
    i won't see your face in the hall
    i won't have anyone to get all pretty for
    .............but hey at least you'll be gone and maybe my heart won't hurt so much................

    18 years ago
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  • Your leaving this summer
    maybe not seeing your face will make it easier
    maybe my heart will be mended by the time you come back and shatter it all over again

    18 years ago
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  • Maybe if i would've known that you were the only person that could make me feel that way i would have tried a little harder to keep you

    18 years ago
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  • *gEtTiNg KiCkEd OuT oF mY hOuSe CuZ yOu SnUk InTo My RoOm WaS *ToTaLlY* WoRtH iT*

    18 years ago
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  • && now I realize that you mean *EvErThInG* to me,
    but it was 3,729 weeks, 43 days, and 3 hours *tO lAtE*

    18 years ago
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  • I found someone *bEtTeR*
    I found someone *NeW*
    But I don’t love him
    Cuz I all ready love you

    18 years ago
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  • I can’t cry myself to sleep anymore…………. I just ran out of tears

    18 years ago
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  • & last night i had hope because you reminded me of that night so long ago

    18 years ago
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