Poems by (*andrea*hurtinside*)

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  • My daddy hates me he wants me dead*
    daddy why don\'t you call I call you...

  • How could you just take everything away like that...

  • I know (4)

    I just want to feel your nice warm huge when I'm...

  • They stare at us in disgust. They call us names...

  • Each day i live is a day i want to die i get so...

  • I'm siting here crying cuting shaking from the...
    hi please coment if you like it I do not have any...

  • When pain from life gets in the way I cut but that...
    not really a poem but whatever any ways if you...

  • So lay me down and let me rest then let me bleed...

  • It seems so easy to break me down..Like its a big...

  • Little girl I know your hurt you have to stay...
    that little girl is me...

  • Alone (2)

    I don't believe in anything all that i have in...

  • Vain (2)

    Her tears slowly fall from her eyes her soul...