Its over but i still care but maby you still do too but i guess i will never know |
I tryed but yet i failed i gave it my all but i didint make it but yet i will never stop trying |
All my dreams are of him and now it hurts like hel* |
He was what kept me living what kept me going on but now hes gone |
I know my tears cant bring you back so why do i cry!! |
I carry the wait of the whole world on my shoulders and i dont think i can hold it no more its becoming to hevy |
Life aint far neither is love so why cant we just take the world off are shoulders? i wish someone could anwser that |
The love we once had is now gone the happyness i once had is forever gone the life i loved is gone and soon so will i |
Death is one to be loved dont ever be afread of it but u may not want to be with it |
I have already killed myself because i am living life |