Poems by jessica

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  • My dreams take me to a far off place
    They take me where there is no blood...

  • Did you ever fall in love with someone
    And know they don't love you...

  • AS I walk from my room to the bathroom
    My blood drips on the floor and makes a big stain...

  • We have known each other
    For so long...

  • God

    As I sit low & behold
    I fill that God is...

  • Can God save me
    From the blood leak...

  • The thickest tears fall from my eyes
    When I think of you not with me...

  • I sit in the cold bath water
    Crying myself slowly to sleep...

  • I feel i need to kill you
    But I'm killing me instead...

  • Love? (1)

    It feeds off your every needs.
    It desires the pain...

  • God keeps me here
    But only for one reason...

  • Swimming in my head
    Like a fish in a small bowl...