No more pain and no more tears!
Strong girls don't cry for weak boys...
I miss the way you kiss me
i miss the way you hug me...
You\'re The One In My Life
by: Gie Gregorio...
The World is so amazing
Since you came into my life...
Whenever you fall inlove you
find a matching lovesong for both of you...
One Year and Sixtytwo Days
by Giegielove/Goddess Poet...
Love is: when you are ready to break your heart...
I love breaking my heart for someone like you...
If you don't get hurt you
doesn't know what is life...
Can you help me to erase you from my heart and...
I wish I can do...but you keep me waking up...
Oh how the time flies so fast
Wthout knowing your days...
Life is a journey
While death is a destination...
Sometimes in life,
There are things that we don't like...