Quotes by Giegielove Goddess Poet

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  • So many less Fortunate on this World but these persons are more Friendly and Kindhearted Than Those who are Fortunate they are mostly greedy and Evils; because for them Money is more Powerful than friendship and LOVE.....

    13 years ago
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  • Maybe in distant we are living in some thousand of miles away, but not so faraway by the feelings that we have bothsides, my sweety " Thinking of you!

    13 years ago
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  • Chances are always there but you must be able to show that you really care and love me more than as what my ex-love can do!

    13 years ago
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  • Feeling so happy ,so lucky deeply..... because you're always there for me,comforting me with your warm embrace and love!" (thank you that there's someone like you! )

    13 years ago
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  • I never thought once in my LIFE a second Chance and that here's another YOU ,so sweet and loving. You've just let my heart melt. Somehow I feel so comfortable with you,I just can't explain how you amazed me everytime we talk together..

    13 years ago
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  • "Sick is the love what is pure and true because it is jealouse ,selfish and posessive, this is an unavoidable reactions of every affectionate hearts."

    13 years ago
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  • "What LOVE and AFFECTION means.... only your heart and mines knows the right definition of it." by Goddess Poet

    13 years ago
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  • TEARS are the jewels falling unexpectedly from emotional sites of every human being like you and me:-) Through love, laughters and pains we always cry.......(TEARS of EMOTION)

    13 years ago
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  • I stand by you.........through good times and bad times.........i'll be on your side my friend ,my star,my sunshine, my world, my sweet love forever. (Ti Amo)

    13 years ago
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  • "I love you straight from my heart!"

    13 years ago
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