Quotes by Giegielove Goddess Poet

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  • Beauty it's just the outwardness what important is the innerworth of a person;-) Sometimes,the outwardness don't tell so much about the person who really is.....but you must see what her/his heart can show.

    14 years ago
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  • Love it's not just about her/his presence,but also during the time of her/his absence.....

    14 years ago
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  • "I live to love it's because you're still existing on this amazing World." (You're the first and the last in my life forever after.)
    -Giegielove Goddess Poet-

    14 years ago
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  • .I just live once and i want you to know how much i love you before it's too late...then loving just one Man is thousand times better than multiple one;-)

    14 years ago
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  • "With you in my life i feel so completely! I don't wish for more but to stay with you and to love you til eternity."

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  • My heart it wasn't really careless as you still faithful to me,but you've just broken my rules and now you must complaint about how i treat you lately?! (Your faults!)

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  • You will only cry a tear for someone when the feelings is true and when you really feel that she/he is worth to you.(Love and Emotion)

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  • Don't worry after you've got hurts from the past because love is impossible without experiencing how painful it is....

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  • A HEART which is easy to get hurt, is the HEART which is able to LOVE and to FORGIVE!-Giegielove Goddess Poet-

    14 years ago
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  • One word is always too short,two words still is not enough, but 3words to say were meant more than as the whole World! "I LOVE YOU!"-Giegielove Goddess Poet-

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