He is always so sweet and loving as long a he still don't touch the woman,but after he tested her ,he will insult her then just to escape for another new affair.( Flyer) |
He hates me for loving him so selfishly, but he loves me when i hate him so muchly, because he wanted to be free so that he can go anywhere to find other women to play.(unfaithful guy) |
We just live once on this World and giving you a chance to be free must be the best love i can offer to you. I know letting you go i can only say in words,but deep inside in my heart i can't...(I'm broken right now) I still love you so much! |
I know it was easy to push you away but though my heart was broken like a crystal which spreaded into small pieces that no one can repair it anymore, but only your love and presence. |
You're something special to me,the one who opened me the door of a modern World, which todays i can't imagine to live without standing there anymore.It was you who gave me this feeling of great confidence and inspires my life each day! |
"With whom is this love to feel,the jealousness occurs absolutely real!" |
"Put those past tears behind your thoughts ,enjoy the present,live ,love ,dream and hope for a better future. ("Tomorrow will be an other day...Stay safe my friend!) |
Hatred is the opposite of Love...well if you love me i'll love you too,if you hate me,I'll do the same to you:-) |
I Love Mr. Imperfect because his Imperfections give me more courage & lot of lessons on how to love a person or to love him for what he is :-) "Unconditional Love" |
Sometimes we do things without knowing if it is ridiculous/dangerous or not because we are just a human being and everyone of us can make some stupid mistakes in our life... |