When I set my new dreams upon that stand.
I trust in you to set them apart...
I had not trusted you for so long.
And my head was filled with doubt...
When everything begins to go wrong,
Who's ganna tell me everything is alright...
Your inside my skin.
You fight the pain far within...
I never want the feeling, the pain to fade.
All the blood lost, used from the blade...
Everyone knows me now, they see right through me.
And I kind of miss how, all my secrets you would...
I guess I had misunderstood you when you told me...
I supposed I just made it all up, now my feelings...
How come I keep writing these poems about you?
Why do I still feel the need to be around you...
I hate how they are,
I hate how they lie...
They don't know how it is to be me,
Wrapped up in my own misery...
My only hero is crying tonight.
As she cuts her wrists with a knife...
What I don't get, is how one minute
you can be so understanding...