Desire is a prison cell mistaken for a revolving...
It's believed that no matter how hard you chase...
I must hate and despise you. You are my enemy.
I must turn the other way whenever I see your...
*My teacher told me to write an "I AM"...
I am ignorant and self-centered...
There's this device that I know of
It goes by many names...
I watched a normal woman once
she seemed stressed, tired, and distant...
Twinkle Twinkle firefly
Soaring, gliding through the sky...
One person's gain
is one person's loss...
Sticks and stones
may break my bones...
The voice inside my head
has vanished long ago...
I'm stupid, completely and utterly
thought I knew what I was getting into...
The child born of monster's hands
who flew on angle's wings...