You can't always tell when i'm broken smile can lie for me |
Sing to her no matter how awful you sound/Get her mad at you...Then kiss her/Give her piggy back ridesz/Push her on swingsz/ |
Tell her she looksz beautiful/When shesz sad, stay on the phone with her even if shesz not sayin anything/Look into her eyesz and smile/ |
Kiss her on her forhead/Slow dance with her even if theresz no music/Kiss her in the rain/And when you fall in love with her.......TELL HER..... |
A sil3nt scr3am isz the loud3szt cry f0r h3lp |
L0v3 mii lik3 i'll b3 y0ur 0n3 and 0nlii |
Itsz h3 which isz th3 r3ason that ii smil3...th0ugh th3 r3as0n isz n0t all that cl3ar... |
Pl3as3 d0nt d0 what th3 lst 0n3 did...d0nt g0 and |
L0v3 m3...must ii b3g? |
M3 st0p l0ving y0uu isz lik3 askin y0uu t0 find m3 a blu3 will n3v3r happ3n |