I found a toad in my backyard.
I got attached and named him Bernard...
The battle paint is put on.
The men are armored up...
For every time they striped your back,
God gave me a smile...
No one to tell this to
completely alone...
I wish I had some way
to express what I feel inside...
On that morning, I see things were foggy,
But maybe if the ladies hadn't been so amazed...
I miss the smile that used to grace your face
when you really meant it...
Dear God, it's me.
I know you know...
Back on the bed
staring at the ceiling...
I gave myself this idea on a forum...
She sits alone in her room...
Sometimes, with my head on my pillow,
I dream of colors unseen and morbid things...
3 stars in the east
sit on the solid sky...