I'd be a prep but i cant stick my head that far up my a.s.s |
Excuse me, do you have a band-aid cuz i scraped my knee when I fell for you |
Everytime i learn to trust him again..he lies..thats why people cant learn to trust again.. |
You know youre best friends when you can feel eachothers chaped lips!! (inside Joke) |
Sometimes we lose thought of lifes simple pleasures...remember when someone pisses you off it takes 42 muscles to frown..but it only takes 4 muscles to Bi+ch-s|ap the little f.u.c.k upside the head. |
Love is like a massive ball of fire..you love someone but it may burn out over time |
*I'd like to believe that I'll wake up |
If he said ''i love you" and meant it then I wouldnt have to cry! |
Never let one b.r.o.k.e.n heart get the best of you.. |
..:Cry me a river build a bridge and get over it:.. |