Haunting sounds of a failure.
Echoing ever so deep...
I'am so hook on you what should i do
You step into to my life and just changed...
I wish I had some one to luv
someone that brightens my darlest days and heals...
I wasnt ready for what you told me
those three words came so fast...
Just tryna bring it to the light
Bring the truth to the light on how i feel...
Im so lost right now I can see where the light is
things seem to get wores before they get better...
Every since the day you went away and left me...
my life just hasn't been the same...
Watching as my life passes me by
picture frozen in my mind are becoming clearer...
We were the best of friends
you where white I was black...
Aint no way ima let you down just trust in me
Ill be there for what ever always around to help...
Emotions becoming hard to hold in
Just the image of your beautiful face...
At the end of my memories,
I searched for the future plans of my ideals...