I can't seem to love myself
No one can love me so it's OK...
We used to laugh and play together
And you said we were friends forever...
Why everything is so messed up,
Why is everything so complicated...
Stupid poem it was a request lol dont worry if u...
He has yellow walls...
I was in boarding school
I always tried to call my mom...
I didnt know where to put it but ya
My name is Jessica...
Your amazing and powerful wings
Your soft body...
I'm sorry I insulted you
And I'm sorry about being mean too...
I sit alone, waiting
Waiting for someone to talk...
He was the closest thing I had to a grand-father
I never knew my grand-fathers or my father...
My whole life is collapsing
I used to be fun, happy and outgoing...
I fell asleep one night
My body was still in my bed...