Quotes by TearsLeftUndried

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  • Her eyes begin to burn
    As this acid runs down her face
    Scarring her once beautiful features
    With memories of distaste

    From my poem: The Girl With Scars on Her Face

    14 years ago
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  • In my heart,
    That is where my secrets dwell.
    They beg to be heard.
    From my mouth, I'll never tell.

    (From my poem: Deathly Secrets)


    17 years ago
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  • This is what I wish:
    To drift of into eternal peace,
    Never to wake again.
    And have my endless misery cease
    This is what I want in the end

    (taken from my poem: The Battle Has begun)


    17 years ago
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  • I'm scared I've lost sight of you
    So scared that my memories have faded
    I know I can't bring you back,
    I know I've lost, and I hate it.

    (this was going to be the beginning of a poem but i decided to make it a "quote"...kinda...)

    17 years ago
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  • Sometimes people put up walls. Not to keep others out...but to see who cares enough to tear them down.

    17 years ago
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  • My razor,
    The one I used to call "friend"
    The only one that was there for me,
    When my long days would not end.

    (Taken from my poem, I Won)


    18 years ago
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  • You left me with one thing
    Something you didn't intend
    You left me with a scar on my heart,
    Something that won't mend.

    (taken from my poem: My Broken Love)


    18 years ago
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  • The scars show my past
    They show where I have been
    The memories of war
    And never peace within

    (From my poem; My Silent Scars)


    18 years ago
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  • Yes, its true.
    I have scars on my arms
    but I am not some kind of a freak.
    They are memories when I have fallen apart, they are times when I was weak...

    18 years ago
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  • ...And when our lips touched for the very first time, I knew that you would always be mine...


    18 years ago
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