I didnt want to admit that it was easier to lie, to hide the hurt and emptynes, to smile instead of cry... |
She used to be happy, she used to be fun, she used 2 see the good in everything, now shes depressed, a lost soul. Now that beautiful smile will never rise again. She looks different now, shes dark. Maybe you havent noticed but its all your fault |
I must be a pretty good liar for you tp honestly think everything is o.k.a.y... |
People ask me why its so hard to trust people...? |
I remember when..gettinghighmeant swingingona playground..the worst thingu couldget fromaboy wascooties..whenurworst enemieswereursiblings..whentheonly raceissueswaswhoranthefastest..when warwasacardgame..but thethingirememberthe mostiswanting 2growup |
I wanna be remembered as the girl who always smiled,even when her heart was broken… |
Best friends can see the hurt in your eyes, |
She finally lets go of her fake smile, |
I used to be so strong, never used to cry, never told a lie, never fell so hard.... |
Im sick, not the stay home from school kind of sick oh no this is much worse...im love sick... |