Poems by Karen Simpson

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  • After all thats happened
    Im not sure what to expect...

  • I will not hide
    In my pit of despair...

  • Shadowed black
    Forever more...

  • Yesterday when you saw me in wiping away tears
    Not one person has seen my cry, for years...

  • Shining with joy
    Her gleaming eyes...

  • Alone once again
    Not one person...

  • You sit there quietly, all alone
    You, the one I once called my own...

  • My love, I wonder if you wait
    When you left, I was in a horrible state...

  • I open my bible and look for a sign
    But I know is not going to happen this time...

  • You sit there smiling
    With your arm around her...

  • So when I pass, To the heavans above
    Forever know, you always had my love...

  • Forgotten