I'm back everyone...
Just a little thank you poem to my family...
A body tainted along the grubby basement floor,
The smell of rotting flesh resting upon your lips...
Everyday brings another regret,
I feel them tearing me up inside...
Clinging on to an old withered rope,
Tenuous strands of faith and hope...
Walking along this weary road, trying to grab your...
Hoping that maybe you'd see, but you just can't...
Sinful thoughts occupy my mind,
Visions confine me in distress...
Keeping your feelings bottled up inside
Wearing a mask to hide everything...
Sitting here thinking about you,
Grasping the pen in my hand...
It's al-le-vi-a-tion not elevation...
His broken reflection,
A withered soul...
A river streams down your face,
You whisper "I'm such a disgrace"...