Why do they only have Aspirin for headaches but nothing for heartaches? |
They keep telling me im waisting my time Because u'll never go out with me...i try to listen..but then i see u and everything they said leaves my mind and im back wanting u again |
You know that place in your heart where you keep all of the happiest memories you had in your life...well that's where you'll always be....sadly it's also the place where i keep all my pain |
I wish i was blind then i wouldn't have to worry about seeing you....i wish i was deaf that way i wouldn't have to worry about hearing you... |
Remembering the good times brings tears to my eyes but remembering the bad times makes it worse... |
You can't love without feeling pain.... |
All I want to do is talk to you....but the closer I get the more pain I feel... |
I want you to know |
I would rather shed a million tears over the ugly truth then smile over a million beautiful lies. |