//its too bad i spent a lifetime in a world full of greif, when all's i had to do was reach down real deep and find the hidden soul i never thought i'de keep-\\ |
It takes a lifetime to discover who you really are but a matter of seconds to build those steps |
> H0w iS iT thAt iiM fLyiNg & dRowNinG aT tHe saMe tiMe > |
> nObOdY diEs a VirGiN, LifE sCrewS uS AlL < |
> wHeN LiFe GiVeS yOu LeMoNs, ThRoW tHeM aT BoYs< |
> && iF i eVeR MaDe oNe MiStaKe iT wAs FaLliNg fOr yOu, cUz tHe FeEliNgS i HaVE fOr yOu aRe DeEpLy KiLliNg Me < |
> && nOw eVErYtHiNg i UsEd tO sMiLe fOr HaS BeEn DiStRaCtEd aLl BeCuAsE oF tHaT OnE BoY... < |
Its kinda funny how good things just happen to jump in front of the bad. take back everything you lost, but give you morethan you had, to show you who you really are without getting hurt first. && to actually make you smile more than ever |
Even with all the fights and the pain |