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  • Forsaken by my fate
    How could this be...

  • Sad (2)

    Falling to my knees
    crying and pleading...

  • You are my life
    You are my future wife...

  • Dark (3)

    Im living in hell
    Living in world full of devils and demons. Im...

  • Yes I am a kid
    Yes I am stupid...

  • Dont say its over
    Dont say you\'ll leave...

  • Its in my nature to cry
    Its in my nature to fight...

  • Roses are red
    Violets are blue...

  • Will you love me?
    will you hold my hand...

  • I'll climb any mountain
    I'll swim any ocean...

  • Say yes
    and let our love unwind...

  • I

    Shes gone away
    Shes gone from me...