Quotes by *Where Is My Missing Soul?*

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  • Your Boyfriend

    I told Your boyfriend that he was guy and he hit me with his purse

    17 years ago
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  • The reason I luv U

    This is the reason why people get scared
    this is the reason why sometimes we give up but is there a reason why people are in love do we tend to forget all the loved that we had but we don't need to find out the reason were together

    17 years ago
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  • Dancing in the rain its a moment you cant forget a moment of real love.....the love is true only when its not preticted only writen upon the sky........sitting watching the sun come out !!,you will know that is was writen in the sky tonight.....

    18 years ago
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  • a excilent lover is also and excilent

    19 years ago
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  • you always fade away
    you tried to make me think that
    you were in love making me think that our love was our destiny but at last i find out what destiny was really saying was to draw your destiny and not someone else!!!

    19 years ago
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  • you didnt dissapiont me
    you only prove that you could be
    as lovely but at the same time a heartbrocker!!!

    19 years ago
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