Quotes by .::BrokenHrt::.

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  • Theres heaps of other people that feel the way i do...im not alone...i just cant be...??

    19 years ago
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  • There's just too many broken pieces to pick me up
    Most of them dissapeared by the cause of love
    It can be beautiful like a roses variety
    Yet can be the cause of deaths anxiety...

    19 years ago
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  • ...It's worthless, It's f u c k e d
    It's selfish, It's lust...

    19 years ago
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  • Plz check out my new poem, 'family suicide' it would mean a lot thanx XoX

    19 years ago
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  • Cut your wrist, cut it deep
    Feel the pain as you weep
    See his face, hear his lies
    Envy his self-centered mind

    From my new poem thoughts...plz check it out nd comment/rate thanx!!

    19 years ago
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  • As long as i keep this force field up i cannot hurt
    As long as i keep strong, i won't breakdown first
    As long as i forget and move on i won't cry over you
    As long as i keep this smile on my face they won't know there's two

    19 years ago
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  • I don't want to need you anymore
    I don't want to be checking my phone every ten minutes to see if you called
    I don't want this pain you left me with
    I don't want these feelings on top of everything

    From my poem 'i dont want'**

    19 years ago
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  • I've just fallen into a depressing rut
    I can't seem to move I'm stuck
    I'm running from my life, i can't face what's true
    I can't face me while i definitely can't face you

    from my poem 'Cry for help'

    19 years ago
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  • All eyes on me, I'm all they see
    Waiting till i mess up, seeing my parents failed me
    All eyes on me, but do they see?
    The deep scars on my wrist, my deaths plea?

    18 years ago
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  • Urges take over, blackness floods my mind
    Hate takes over, the blades in site
    Knowing whats right but still doing wrong
    You push me to the edge, but now you've won

    18 years ago
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