Quotes by Absolute Broken Perfection

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  • Tears of blood and alcohol shall caress my cheeks
    As I sigh a lonely lullaby,
    Drifting away from the world.

    17 years ago
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  • This alcohol will choke my tears,
    drown my angry heart.
    I'll pretend I'm empty of fears,
    that I'm not falling apart.

    17 years ago
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  • This pain won't ever cease,
    my wounds will never heal.
    My tolerance will shatter
    because reality isn't real.

    16 years ago
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  • Sometimes I wish I could be invisible,
    only to give you justification
    the next time you

    look right through me.

    16 years ago
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  • Your deceiving lips are still the only ones I've kissed,

    The angry shards of my broken heart still puncture,

    I still think only of you.

    I hopelessly cannot get over you and I being

    "Just friends".

    16 years ago
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  • Him: "Stop."

    Her: "Baby..I'm so sorry.."
    He knows her eyes are starry.

    She harms herself as they speak,
    hating herself for being weak.
    He knows, hangs up the phone.
    And yet again she's on her own.

    16 years ago
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  • I am stuck looking at sad love quotes
    because the cute ones make me angry,
    and the inspirational ones make me cry,
    and wonder what could have been..

    Because of you,
    I am broken.

    16 years ago
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  • Stealing hearts is no crime.

    Pure souls are filled with greed.

    Not all scars will fade with time.

    Some cuts will always bleed.

    16 years ago
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  • Promises are made and broken;
    Skin heals and is re-damaged;
    Life is created and destroyed:

    That is the way life goes.

    15 years ago
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