Life can give you crumbs or the hole damn biscuit but remember the biscuit can be worn away to crumbs so hold true that biscuit cos in the end that one last crumb maybe all you will have left |
Life is 2 things popular and geek but what are you if nether will speck to you ? |
Why wont it just stop hurting |
Its the last time i wont fight again |
What is there to aim for now..... Just the dirt on the ground |
Some times you must look back to be able to move forward, to see what u had so you know how much there is left to reach |
Its my fault and im sorry but it seems sorry is not enough for you anymore so maybe neither am I |
Its the little things that show u love them and again its the little suttle things that show that its all lies |
I wont Not again |
Please, Please Leave me alone i grow Tired of this now |