Poems by xXEmoDialUpXx

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  • I couldn't ignore the pain any longer
    Life was just too much...

  • Broken (1)

    Why does this pain never end
    why did you do that i thought we were friends...

  • Little Sarah only 5 years old
    on her 6 birthday her father wasn't around...

  • Its been a bad day
    I'm getting used to it now...

  • Hes left me alone to cry at night
    he left my by myself to fight my own fights...

  • Everytime i see you eyes i feel like everything...
    and when you hold me close in you arms i feel so...

  • I cant take anymore
    saying everything i said before...

  • You expect me to forgive you...i just don't know...
    after all we have been through......i just cant do...

  • It hard to fix a broken heart
    but harder to fix two...

  • Him

    Ever since the day we meet
    I've said and done things i am soon to regret...

  • I choose to sit alone
    i wanna choose to be my own...

  • Another day goes bye and yet i see nothing is here...
    another day without a light...