When i open myself up to you it gives you the opportunity to do two things: either to completely break my heart or to love me forever with all you got. |
When i open myself up to you. its only giving you the chance to break my heart again. i really hope you don't take that chance but instead i hope you take the chance to love me until the end. |
I love you with all of my heart, |
"Do we believe them because we believe they are telling us the truth or simply because it saves us from getting hurt?" |
We all know its hard, |
I dont even know what it is about you.. maybe its the way you smile or the cute things you say. maybe its the way i know you care about me. but whatever it is... |
You may not know it.. |
&& she kneels down with tears in her eyes, |
Rememberr y.O.u.R. the one for pushed me away && this time im keeping my word and im not coming back<3 |
&& telling her not to hold on |