Quotes by jennifer

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  • No more will i cry. No more will i die.
    No more will i care about you, or about what you have done to me.
    No more will i pretend nothing is wrong, because im done dealing with the pain. And im finished dealing with you...even if you are my father.

    19 years ago
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  • How dare you make me cry,how dare you make me die,how dare you turn my life upside down and tell me everything is going to be allright,when you know its not gonna be. How dare you tell me its for my own good,that you are leaving so my life gets easier.

    18 years ago
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  • Everytime I try not to cry, tears fill my eyes and fall down my face and into
    my broken heart, because every tear I cry for you, breaks it even more.

    18 years ago
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  • I cant find a reason to let go
    Even though you found a new love
    And she is what your dreams are made of.
    I can find a reason to hang on
    What ever went wrong can be forgiven
    Without you it aint worth living.

    18 years ago
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  • Sometimes I wake up crying at night
    and sometimes I scream out your name.
    What right does she have to take you away when for so long you were mine?
    Why did you pick her and not me?? I still love.

    18 years ago
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  • Somebody tell my head to try to tell my heart,
    That I'm better off without you
    Because baby I can't live without you .

    18 years ago
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  • Everytime I seem to get over one my problems, something else comes up
    and makes me fall back into the darkness of my broken soul. I need you more then I have ever needed someone in my life.

    18 years ago
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  • You are my everything, you are the only thing that can rescue me from myself. So why are you always away and never in my arms?

    18 years ago
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  • When I look at you my heart skips a beat but sooner or later that beat will become a life time of tears wasted on somthing I knew I could never have.

    18 years ago
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  • What do you say when somebody asks you how you're doing, when the answer
    is the worst that you have ever felt in your life and you know there's no use to tell them because you know that they will never understand?

    18 years ago
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