Quotes by ericbow

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  • "sometimes we have to forbid ourselves to love again, just to avoid to be hurt again..."

    15 years ago
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  • Most of the people that we met in our lives would probably say..." Don't change!". But they didn't realize that we are all changing... especially when we got hurt by the people whom we love the most.

    14 years ago
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  • Don't expect and compare yourself to other people, because, we might offend them. Or even ourselves. Because, of the fact that we don't have the same frame of mind.

    14 years ago
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  • Don't be upset of all the bad things that people might think of you, because, of your looks or your attitude. Just remember that there's no such thing as ugly. Unless you believe that you are.

    14 years ago
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  • Let them say what they want to say against you. Let them think what they want to think of you. Because, in the end... you're still the one who can tell who you really are.

    14 years ago
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