About my mum and dad's divorce.
She wasn't bad, always listened...
The evening shadows pulling faces
Jealousy breeds its subtle tactics...
Fireflies and pretty dragons hover
Over my lake of stagnant dreams...
Here are the souvenirs of my life
My fight, my journey my death kissed strife...
The absinthe greens and brilliant whites
Fight bitterly day by day...
We are but vapour beneath the clouds
Translucent passion under the horizon...
The wristwatch has a one-way ticket
To a land of sparkles and sunshine...
The voices and aromas
Arouse my senses...
His bright, blue eyes masked with tufts of hair
The colour of golden honey...
Clinging so hard
Nails crack and bleed...
Bring me the sweat of the pacifist
Wrapped in a web of thorns...
I love you more than love itself
I can't breath...