Sometimes the very thing your looking for is the one thing you can't see. |
And all I know is that I'm sittin here tears streaming down my face and watching the walls I built around us so high come crashing down. |
*-.&'t.know.if.we.are."US".still.or.not-* |
*-.& & to tell the truth I love him more than anyone, even him realizes, and I'm afraid to lose him.-* |
** |
*"me".go.-* |
Be smart,be clever put me in your heart forever! |
..Since this world doesn't want me to be happy I want everyone else to be! |
There is always something left to wish for, as long as you beleive. |
Love is being apart all summer, for him to pursue his dreams, only for him to come back as your leaving for college with an unsaid understanding that it's all going to work out in the end.. |