Quotes by Shiana

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  • Dear heart
    i told u not to fall
    i told u boys were dumb
    i told you they werent worth it
    but NO
    you betrayed me!!!

    18 years ago
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  • && WhY Is It ThAt U StIlL KeEp LuViN HiM No mAtTeR WhAt PaIn He MaKeS U Go ThRoUgH?...

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • && wHy Is It ThAt AlL ThE HoT GuYs U FaLL sO mAdLy In LuV WiTh ArE ThE BiGgEsT JeRkS...

    18 years ago
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  • Every time you look my way
    My heart soars
    But then I notice you're lookin at her
    The girl that you adore
    And my heart feels broken
    once more

    19 years ago
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