Poems by CryingAngels21

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  • You lie, you cheat
    You break the rules...

  • You and me, my life would change in a second
    If only you would look my way...

  • Confusion
    its all I see when I look at you...

  • I was asleep in bed
    when i heard you were gone...

  • I look out the window
    So lonely and cold...

  • Forgotten distant lovers
    Pushed away by time...

  • We met on such short notice
    I had a boyfriend at the time...

  • My fears are drawing so close
    My tears are running so fast...

  • Floating so high like a cloud
    You have me up in the air...

  • Were sharing a secret
    Were keeping it quiet...

  • This day is so sad
    As i leave you behind...

  • Invisible in the shadows
    figures dance on the walls...