Quotes by StefQ

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  • Tears roll off my face
    Tears for you
    Tears that just now have realized
    how much i love you

    please all go read my love story(part 1&2)i know it's annoing but i would appreciate it alot


    19 years ago
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  • Sorry for asking but can everyone go and read my ne poem "Ignorance is a bliss" it would mean alot


    18 years ago
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  • Devoured by darkness
    He follows a way
    Aimlessly he wanders
    He had the worst day

    if you wanna know the rest read my new poem "Ignorance is a bliss"


    18 years ago
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  • Unconsciously I shed a tear
    As it silently rolls of my face I wish you ware here
    To wipe my tear and tell me to be strong,
    Give me an embrace and tell me it won't take long

    from my poem "A star falls"; please all read


    18 years ago
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  • He's standing at the end of a cliff
    Looking down as he sheds a tear
    A normal person would freeze at that sight
    But he made up his mind and shows no fear

    piece of my poem:Twisted love
    please all read

    18 years ago
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  • She's sitting by the window
    Trying to put him out of her mind
    "I had to do it, it had to be done"
    Then why can't I leave it all behind?

    a part from my poem "Twisted love" please all read

    18 years ago
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  • No one dies a virgin!!!
    Life screws us all!!!

    18 years ago
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  • Love is a jump in the dark, it's simply a leap of faith!

    18 years ago
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  • I know this is annoying but could you all please go read my new poem : My angel from above . if you r/r/c i'll return the favor!


    18 years ago
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