Poems by -Ghostship Fidelity-

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  • Riding into the sunset
    Where an escape rest in fleeing strands...

  • -----A firefly dances across obscured skies
    -And the bellow of a jet plane sends it spinning...

  • I've found a piece of yesterday up my sleeve
    I'll play it like a cheat card...

  • Sparks dance while these wires intertwine
    Cryptic reservoir of intangible phrases...

  • The leaves in the dead trees lurch
    Interweaved within the breeze that drives hard to...

  • Brooding at the precise margin of the world
    The jag of the history tomes timeline...

  • In the dark this love developed deathlike
    Waves of warmth thrust beyond your eyelids...

  • Reach for the scissors
    Snip apart the entry of the newspaper...

  • I'm out of reach
    Putting my hands up to the deserted sky...

  • It's time
    To paint these walls that rusted color...

  • Your floor boards pulse and move
    Breathing as you take light steps...

  • Laugh heavily through smoke chambers
    The ones I filled with dense poisons...