A young girl who thought no one cared took her...
the saddest thing wasn't even committing...
There is love within pain,
you just have to look for it...
The person I once knew that was filled with such...
I can't bring her back no matter how hard I try...
Love is like a mirror.
Perfect until it gets broken...
Love is like a rose.
It's so wonderful and beautiful at first...
Do we cry just to see if someone cares enough to...
Do we hurt ourselves to see if someone will...
Love is pain and pain is how we know we're still...
So without love would we be living in the land of...
Drowning in your perfect lies
surrounded by this pain you call...
Maybe if I hurt him
I can give up this hope that one day...
I don't know how to be just
"The Friend"...
You hide behind that pretty porcelain mask so...
you're dying inside but no one can tell...
Place me in a casket, and say your last goodbye.
Do you think I'll cry...