Quotes by cOCONUTkiiSSES

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  • B R E A K * T H E * R U L E S
    [ .s.t.a.n.d. * .a.p.a.r.t. ]
    -» iGnOrE yOuR hEaD «-
    aNd FoLLoW yuRe HeArT

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • зvзяу ѕтзр ι тαкз-
    lзαds то оиз [мιѕтαкз]♥
    idnt [киоω] ωuт то do
    му [нзαят] нαѕ вззи [вяuιѕзd]
    ѕо [ѕαd] вuт ιтѕ [тяu]
    зαсн [взαт] язмιиds мз оf y.o.u

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • I HATE you,
    I DISPISE you,
    But why must I
    LIKE you?
    The sight of you
    makes me SICK,
    But why are
    you the ONE
    I want to PICK?

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • I'll risk everything i have,

    I'll fight till i bleed,

    I'll give you my life

    If that's what you need. .

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • There's Just ...n.o..o.n.e... That Gets Me Like You Do...___x

    18 years ago
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  • Take out the [[picture]]
    and blow off the dust
    throw away the frame
    cause it's starting to rust
    x.remember.x the times
    that we had together
    what ever happened to
    "i'll love you forever"

    18 years ago
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  • If you're asking if i need you...

    the answer is forever,

    If you're asking if i'll leave you...

    the answer is never,

    If your asking what i value...

    the answer is you,

    If your asking if i love you...

    the answer is i do!

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • [.. iits Only beCauSe ii Love yOu ..

    iitS OnLy beCausE ii Care ..

    iiTs oNly BecaUse ii

    ii Cant Live WitHouT yOu ..

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • I want to [TeLL yOu] how im feeling but i dnt no [WhErE tO StArT] i want to tell u [eVeRyThiNg] but i`m afraid u`ll [BrEaK mY HeaRt] y would something so [easy] be so [hard] to do .. wen all i have to say is .. i LoVe yOu

    18 years ago
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  • Give me the days i'll always remember
    and the nights i'll never forget, when you love someone, theres nothing you can do, you can't control your heart
    it controls you.

    18 years ago
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